The party had to end sometime and now that the bunting has been carefully folded away and the last cake crumb has been snuffled we felt it time to announce a lucky winner of our ‘Milly & Dottie are Two’ prize.
Do you remember that Milly & Dottie asked you to help them celebrate their second Birthday by thinking of your favourite double acts? I am sure many couples came to mind, Tom and Jerry, Mapp & Lucia, Cheese and Pickle, Tintin and Snowy, Apple crumble and custard, Burton and Taylor, Sunday with the newspapers.. the list goes on and on …
We were delighted that you joined in with the spirit of the occasion and eagerly shared your favourite double acts with us and how we have enjoyed reading your suggestions..
These are just a few of our favourites ….
Noddy & Big Ears… Morris Minor and vintage picnic case in the boot..
Bare feet and newly mown lawn… Soft white snow and mistletoe… Morecambe and Wise… Peaches and Cream… Darby & Joan… the smell of fireworks and the taste of baked potatoes… mismatched china and faded tea dresses …
In fact we loved them all.. so it made the task of choosing a winner very difficult indeed. We felt the best thing to do was put all of your suggestions into a hat and ask our Saturday girl to pick one out …
So we are very happy to announce that the winner of our Milly & Dottie are Two competition is Bare feet and newly mown lawn. We both love that feeling at the start of summer when your feet touch the grass for the first time, you can sense the delights that summer has in store. Congratulations Kate and thank you very much to all the other entrants.
A suitable double act prize will be on it’s way to the winner just as soon as Milly & Dottie can finish their tea and custard creams.. another firm favourite