Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Buttons & Bibelots

Happy New Year!  We hope this year finds you happy and healthy and full of resolution and Christmas pud.  Hopefully the Holidays brought a chance for you to put your feet up or, at least, put on your finest welly socks and put one foot in front of another on a countryside ramble.  

Having taken down the baubles and bunting, Christmas seems almost a distant memory and the grey January days will hopefully offer much promise and surprise.  In The Emporium the Grotto has been dismantled for another year, the tinsel and glitter swept away and we've managed to bottle some festive cheer to keep us going.  For fear ye not, there there are bibelots aplenty on our shelves right now to make up for the lack of baubles on the trees.  

Vintage French buttons and fasteners in gorgeous packaging have taken up residence on the Sewing Room shelves with an array of other new goodies, just the thing for adding a smile to your face.

 For those of us still wishing to curl up on the sofa, there is a wonderful wartime Crossword companion in the Library, a couple of beautiful blotter books for helping with those 'thank you' letters and in the Boudoir a very old packet of Foot Ease Bath Powder , which not only is very attractive but claims to "Make Lifes Walk Easy" - and you can't ask for much more than that in January!


  1. Happy New Year - I just had to look, mustn't too much, I expect I'll be back before the end of the day!
    Julie xxxxxxx

    1. Happy New Year Julie x Lovely to hear from you, hope you enjoyed the Holidays - although they feel very far away now!


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