Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Wish You Were Here?

As you can see from the photo, Milly and Dottie have ventured forth from the stockroom into the great outdoors. Just ten minutes pushing them pedals and we're all in a tizz. Those map directions are becoming as clear as mud... by our reckoning and with the wind behind us we'd be sitting on the clifftops by lunchtime, judging by the map we're heading directly inland with all thoughts of sticks of rock, fish and chips on the beach and the odd ride or two on the seaside merry go round growing less likely by the minute. We really should have mastered the art of cartography before we set out, or at the very least clearly worked out our left from our right before leaving the Emporium...

Oh the joys of summer holidays! We feel exhausted before we've even left home - days of planning our wardrobe, Mary-Janes and floral dresses, constantly checking the lights are out, the electricity is off, windows locked, custard creams carefully wrapped away and for those of us still lucky enough to have a milkman, that the milk has been cancelled.

Finding a suitable holiday can be equally exhausting, Luckily for us we have this wonderful 1940s guide book in our Library with all kinds of hints and tips for holidaying in Britain. We have plumped for the cycling option but were sorely tempted by the more sedantry idea of snail watching (not nearly as much risk of becoming saddle sore!).

For the more adventurous amongst us it suggests joining the circus for the summer (how very Famous Five is that!).

How about exploring the countryside as a companion to the rural postie, according to the book, just ask at your local rural post office (my how times have changed).

Of course there are always the joys of living under canvas - have any of you been watching the wonderful Britain Goes Camping - watching from the comfort of our stockroom it all looks jolly good fun.

As for us, we think we're just going to pedal where the fancy takes us, we've got enough sandwiches to last at least another half an hour or so... see you on the beach.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your feature in 'Sew' magazine - I thought I recognised those dolls from your banner!


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